Mehr Leads und höhere Konversionsraten durch Snapchat Lead Generation
Native Snapchat-Formulare zur Lead-Generierung sind schnell ladende Formulare, die darauf ausgelegt sind, die Reibung zu verringern und die Konversionsraten zu erhöhen, indem sie die User Journey verbessern und Formularfelder direkt aus den Profilen der Snapchatter automatisch ausfüllen.
Konversionsraten erhöhen
Improve Customer Journey
more likely to be actively searching for a car than non-Snapchatters
more likely to consider a car purchase after exposure on Snapchat
more likely to take action after viewing auto content on Snapchat
Target 50mn automotive audience across Snapchat with prefilled native lead gen forms
Automate lead validation, end to end tracking, and Conversions API to enhance lead quality
Achieve an average 50% reduction in Cost Per Lead with Snapchat through Driftrock.
Standardise data across sources, enable auto-responders, email notifications and more.
Target, exclude and find lookalikes from segments for your Snapchat campaigns.
Automatically assign leads to nearest dealer, increasing conversion rates.
Run automatic quality checks on leads before handing to sales.
Measure, optimise and share your campaign performance.
Optimise campaigns automatically with Conversion API integrations.
Trusted by 30+ Automotive Brands