Aider MINI à localiser le marketing des détaillants et à augmenter les réservations de services

November 21, 2019


MINI and their media agency HPS wanted to run personalised aftersales campaigns, targeting the local catchment areas around the opted-in MINI retailers. The aim was to drive service bookings across the retailer network.  

The Challenge  

Typically, running retailer marketing campaigns is a challenging process as it means setting-up hundreds of manual campaigns, and accompanying lead forms, which takes a small army to complete.

La solution

The MINI and HPS teams used Driftrock’s Blueprints technology to store localised retailer data, to then ingest into hundreds of variations of the same Ad. Hundreds of campaigns could then be built in the time it takes to set-up one.

Les résultats

  • MINI and HPS decided to incorporate 350 MINI retailers into the campaign.
  • The campaigns resulted in a 2.25X increase in service bookings.

Prendre contact

Are you a B2C Lead Generation Company looking to run personalised, local campaigns, and increase your conversions from Search & Social? If so, click below to get started with Driftrock’s Platform.
