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Assistant de conversation automobile pour l'affichage

Capturez plus de prospects à partir de l'affichage grâce à un assistant de chat intégré dans l'unité publicitaire.

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What is the automotive lead capture chat assistant for display?

The automotive chat assistant for display provides the customer a way to discover and enquire about a vehicle directly on the page they are viewing natively.

Pair this with brand awareness goals for a fun and engaging way to generate more leads from display campaigns

How does it work?

Using HTML 5 display ads, you can embed the automotive lead capture chat assistant for automotive directly within the ad unit itself.

Example Ad

How to setup your automotive chat assistant

Reach out to your Driftrock customer success manager to start the custom setup process.

Full set up details available soon with in the Driftrock library.


  • The Driftrock automotive chat assistant - can also be used on Messenger and the website. 
  • Currently supports a double skyscraper format. 
  • HTML5 ads must be enabled. 

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