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Quora Lead Gen Form Ads

Drive more leads from user questions with Quora Ads using Lead Generation Forms that load instantly and pre-fill the form with profile details to save the customer time.

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What are Quora lead generation form ads?

Quora lead generation form ads are designed to help you acquire high-intent prospects across the Quora platform in an efficient and secure way.

Lead generation form ads help you reach your audience at the right time, connecting with them as they are researching relevant topics across Quora, whilst collecting key customer information to help you follow up with potential leads

These native sign ups can help users instantly get the information they want, whilst improving your conversion rate, reducing cost per lead and helping your business generate qualified leads.

How do Quora lead generation form ads work?

Lead generation form ads can appear across desktop and mobile, and are visible across the Quora platform in native ad placements.

When these ads are clicked, a form expands with information fields which are selected by you.

The user fills out these fields, and clicks submit. This information can then be downloaded from the platform, or sent to your CRM platform in real time using Driftrock.

Example Quora Lead Ad Form

How do I set up Quora lead generation form ads?

Quora lead generation form ads are currently in beta, so make sure to speak to your Quora sales contact.

To get started, you'll need the below:

1) Identify the minimum required fields you need to take action on a lead

2) Headline (65 characters max): make the value prop as clear as possible to a Quora user.This should tell users what to expect if they fill out the form

3) Confirmation Message (65 characters max): this helps set the user's expectations for what should happen next or how their info will be used

4) Company Logo

5) Landing page URL

6) Privacy Policy URL

For the ad text and creative, you'll need:

1) Headline (65 characters max) and Body (105 characters max): this is the same as existing Text/Image ads on Quora. Be sure to make your value prop clear since users will not be clicking to your site to gain additional context before deciding to fill out the form

2) CTA: Sign Up, Contact Us, Learn More, Download

3) Image: aspect ratio 16:9, recommended minimum size: 600 x 335 pixels

Currently available information fields are:

Contact Info:

First Name

Last Name


Business Email

Phone Number

Employment Info:

Job Title

Company Name

Company Size

Location Info:


State (US Only)

Zip Code (US only)


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