The 6 Lead Generation Sources Every Agency Should Be Utilising in 2021

December 8, 2020

As we approach the end of 2020, we're pretty certain you'll be looking forward to bringing this year to a close.

Unprecedented changes to buying journeys in 2020 required a reactive approach, as we witnessed huge investment in digital channels, with brands focussing on making their online customer journeys more efficient and streamlined. 

Now, as we head into a new year, it’s time for a fresh start. As an agency, you’ll be looking for new ways to drive value for your client - and where better to start than the surfaces where you capture leads in the first place? 

We’ve identified 6 lead sources that are guaranteed to explode in 2021 - get a head start now to build these into your 2021 planning, by using our expert guides:

Quora Lead Gen Forms

A channel which is rarely talked about but can be very useful in generating high-intent leads is Quora. Quora is a professional forum where users can ask leading questions and open-up a dialogue around these given topics. 

Using Quora as a marketing channel is great for building up knowledge of what your potential client’s customer base would be. The thing with Quora is that it's not a case of pay and display, rather a channel where you dedicate time in following the applicable topics and industries, to gauge what would be the ideal way to market your product/idea. 

Quora can be seen more as a predictive form of marketing so you can describe it to your clients as a form of market research prior to investing in paid media through Quora or another channel. 

Quora have just rolled-out their native lead generation forms, meaning you’ll be able to get early access to them through Driftrock. They’re a fantastic place to find high-quality leads, especially in B2B lead gen, as it presents an opportunity to market to B2B leads in a space not overly-saturated by your client’s competitors. 

To get started with Quora lead generation forms with Driftrock, click here.  

Google Lead Form Extensions for Search

Google lead form extensions are designed to attract prospects in a responsive form under the ad. When a user clicks on the ad, a form appears already populated with their Google account contact information. 

You also have the option to add custom questions in the forms. There will be a call to action of your choosing, such as ‘book now’ which allows them to submit the form with a single tap. 

You’ll be able to implement them directly on an ad in Search, YouTube, and Discovery campaign types, with the addition of Display being rolled out in the near future, making it an easy sell to clients since they cover so many formats.                                   

Google lead form extensions result in high-intent leads, as the form will appear when a prospect is actively searching for your client’s product/service. 

To get started with Google Lead Form Extensions with Driftrock, click here.

Print Lead Generation

An often overlooked form of marketing in recent times is print. With the monumental shift to digital, the traditional print formats (such as newspapers and magazines) have seen a drop in attention. 

Up until now, running lead generation initiatives through Print has been difficult, with no easy way to attribute leads directly back to the print source. Print lead generation through Driftrock however presents a trackable and easily attributed customer journey through QR codes, which can be placed within a print ad. These allow users to simply scan the code and be redirected to one of our fast loading mobile-friendly lead generation forms. 

Not to mention that in the wake of C-19, people are most accustomed to scanning QR codes so now is a good time to capitalize on this user habit and start generating leads from a traditional but ever-present channel.

To learn more about running Print Lead Generation with Driftrock, click here.

Twitter Lead Generation

There are an estimated 330million people on Twitter, marking it one of the most widely-used social media platforms around. Twitter, however, has no native lead generation format, meaning it has been typically difficult to generate leads. With Driftrock, you can now divert budgets to twitter through the use of our Smart Forms, allowing you to quickly capture lead data, before tracking that data through to offline lead conversions. 

Twitter is a platform best used to generate awareness and turn scrollers into customers. We’d recommend using Twitter for clients who are keen for their first touchpoint with a prospect to be conversational and educational. Typically, we have seen ‘hand-raiser’ campaigns and content-based lead gen as a good CTA. 

To learn more about getting started with Twitter Lead Generation, click here. 

YouTube TrueView for Action

YouTube TrueView for Action campaigns are video ads that pop up in the TrueView placements, with specific lead generation actions. 

TrueView placements show up in-stream for native videos on YouTube and play before the video starts. These forms are a great way to include another channel to your repertoire, especially considering a large chunk of screen time is spent on Youtube. Perfect for clients who enjoy engaging with their audience through high-quality visual content, with the added benefit of only paying when someone chooses to watch at least 30 seconds or clicks on your TrueView Ad. 

To get started with Youtube TrueView for Action lead generation forms, click here.

Influencer Lead Generation

Influencer marketing has become the ‘sexy’ way of marketing recently. It takes up a large chunk of what you see on Instagram and when used correctly can be a very good way of ramping-up sales. One of the reasons it hasn't got the traction from bigger clients is that traditionally it has been hard to attribute results back to each influencer in order to analyse each influencer’s ‘influence’. 

Through Driftrock’s Influencer lead generation programmes, you can input hidden fields allowing you to visualise and analyse how each Influencer is performing in relation to each other. 

Good verticals for influencer marketing tend to be product-based (such as e-Commerce, Health & Fitness, CPG, Retail).

If you want to discuss best practices for influencer marketing, as well as get started with some initial tests, click here.

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